Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy NYE, Bitches!!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A True Travesty...
How sad to see....a vivid sign of our economic times when a snowman is forced to stand on the corner with the rest of the jobless. Tragic!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Holiday Groovin'
When I see feet just have to move!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Love is In the Air....
Date: 2009-12-04, 11:19AM EST
Reply To This Post
You were the tall brunette with the near perfect body that farted in the bread section last night. I was the tall guy next to you that looked over and asked, "Was that you?" You quickly replied "No...Wasn't me!" You almost seemed insulted I would ask. As the stink grew you continued to deny your flatulence, but it was evident. I tried to get rid of the stench by waving 2 loafs of Ciabatta bread. You proceeded to storm off in an angry manner. You are beautiful and even if you are a liar and fart like a Clydesdale, I'd love to meet up sometime.
* Location: Danbury, CT
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1494504262
Sunday, December 6, 2009
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
CUTEness Overload
This kitty is soooo cute that I don't even pay attention to how annoying that woman's voice is in the video.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Shake it ....don't break it!
I have to go with the remix though to get my shake on
Monday, November 30, 2009
Damn That Facebook!!
My questions is this.... what kind of health benefits does this woman have that she can not work for a year and be paid for it all because she is "down in the dumps"?!? I want her healthcare plan! I would just be a bit smarter about posting my male dancing photos online OR maybe not friending my boss and/or insurance representative on my Facebook page. Thinkin outside of the box, I say. :P
Facebook photos could be hazardous to your health benefits
She said the insurance company representative described photos on her Facebook page that showed her at her birthday party, on vacation and at the all-male revue. The company stripped her of her benefits, saying the photos were evidence she was no longer depressed.
Blanchard didn't deny the existence of the photos, but she said they were not a true indication that she had been cured. "In the moment I'm happy," she said in the interview, "but before and after I have the same problems."
She also said her doctor had advised her to have nights out with friends to help her forget her problems. Blanchard is fighting the cutting off of her benefits, and to that end has filed a civil suit in Quebec Superior Court.
Insurer Manulife declined to comment on the case, but in a statement to the CBC it said, "We would not deny or terminate a valid claim solely based on information published on websites such as Facebook."
-- David Colker
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I'll Sue You, Vegas, for Showing Me a Good Time!
Is there no limit to what you can sue for nowadays? Let's also sue Vegas for supplying unlimited food buffets for $5, contributing to the expanding waistline of America. Hell! Sue for the continuous hot, dry weather that would clearly cause skin dryness. I mean, My God! How has Vegas and it's many Dens of Sin they call "casinos" been allowed to corrupt people lives with fun all these years?!? It must stop! If you ask me, I think the tourists need to be sued for the ridiculous fashion crimes displayed that I had to witness on my Vegas trip...for THAT was the true crime in Sin City.
Travel News
Gambler Sues Caesars Palace for "Milking" Him
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Quick Survery....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sometimes, Death is appropriate....
Having lived in the Northern Virginia/DC area and only a few miles from where one of the victims was shot and killed, I remember the terror people, including myself, felt during that time.....afraid to pump their gas, or walk in public view, or how the stations hung up sheets around the gas pumps for the protection of their customers. This man, along with Malvo, were terrorists who not only terrorized their victims and the victim's families, but terrorized a whole metropolitan, changing the way people lived their daily lives during their reign. As far as I am concerned, death is appropriate here.
DC sniper's Muhammad's execution set for tonight
In September, Kaine delayed the October execution of a former
Army intelligence worker from Maryland convicted of killing a northern
Virginia couple, saying he needed more time to consider the case. That
execution is scheduled for next week.
OdLibby*s is Born!
It started off as a simple hobby of jewelry making to de-stress at home, but has recently turned into the beginnings of a (side) cash cow. At the suggestions of my friends and family, I have begun to sell some of my pieces, and I am pleased that so many have shown their approval to my work. Therefore, OdLibby*s has been born, created from the names of my beloved(s), Odysey and Liberty, who have shown their support by sitting at my feet under the dining room table while I work. Each one of my pieces is handcrafted by myself, and given a name to distinguish their unique quality. I am a total magpie when it comes to shiny, sparkly things, so it has been only natural that I find enjoyment in creating "baubles" with my own hands. :) I find inspiration from many different things that I come across in this world from nature, culture, history, or the arts...from the simple to the exotic. I think it is awesome that I can share with others, while making a little cash in the process. Who wouldn't love that? ;) I plan on posting some of my work here in the hopes of inspiring others. Definitely, share your comments. :)
Color ChicChickory Pretty...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Typical Man
What Have I Been Up Too?
Thursday, June 4, 2009
That Time at the Pond....

Place: Walney Pond
Time: at time to go, cuz the critters come out. :)

Does this remind anyone else of Monet's Water Lilly Pool?

It's hard to tell here, but the black object in the water is a rather large beaver chewing on something he found very tasty. I was only two feet away from him, and he didn't seem to mind me at all.

Night approaches

This tree had something to say

My assistant and companion during this little excursion, my nephew, Madden. (Yes, the cheeks are real)

More reflections.... sometimes the most special places are within walking distance.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Most disturbing sex toy....part two
Most disturbing sex toy....part one
Friday, May 15, 2009
Love abounds thru lyrical sentiment.....
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Get These People Some Chicken!!!
I have to laugh at the co-anchor who is clearly trying not too.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I title this one....WTF? Marketing
Worst Horror Movie Monster Ever!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I am SOOOO not good at this.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Damn, those bill collectors! They just don't give up!
Deadbeat: Man dead for 450 years gets TV bill
Aaron Crowe
A German mathematician who died 450 years ago was sent a letter demanding he pay long-overdue TV license fees, according to a Reuters story.
The bill from Germany's GEZ broadcast fee collection office went to the last home address of Adam Ries, an algebra expert who bought the house in 1525. A club in his honor was set up at the home 400 years later.
The head of the club returned the letter to GEZ, explaining that Ries died in 1559, centuries before the invention of television and radio. She received another reminder a few weeks later.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Gather the Girls...It's time for Movie Night!!
"There is indeed shitloads of blue wang. And it's huge. In the comic book, it's very average, and uncut, but the film is completely the opposite. Massive and circumcised. Given that it's digital, was it Crudup or his agent that insisted on the impressive cut cock?"
All I can say is that it's about time they came out with a "Girlie" movie that I could actually sit through and enjoy!

Friday, February 27, 2009
Over 20 years, and it's healing powers still abound.
You almost had me fooled
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Blankie/Cult Robe + Beer = Good Times!!
I don't know about you guys, but this is AWESOME! Where do I sign???
S n u g g i e P u b
C r a w l
W a s h i n g t o n ,
Attend the First-Ever Snuggie™ Pub Crawl in Washington, DCIn response to the stunning public embrace of the warm and cuddly Snuggie™, the Team is hosting the first-ever Snuggie™ Pub Crawl in Washington, DC. Even though it's just a blanket with sleeves, we're sure that you'll enjoy a winter evening spent drinking with friends and the Snuggie™.
Date: Still TBD. Enter your emaill address below to receive additional information.
Sign Up For The Snuggie™ Pub Crawl: | |
Enter you email address if you're interested in attending the Snuggie™ Pub Crawl (We don't share email addresses, submit with confidence) Email: |
Friday, February 6, 2009
Good wholesome entertainment for the Chillens.
Mr Rogers would turn in his grave!
Eye Wide Shut
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Killing the Blues...Part Deux
Killing the Blues
Got the Winter Blahs? Well, this guy has got the cure!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
The World is Stuck on Stupid.

Karma is a bitch!

....And we wonder why our economy is bad?

Maybe they should look in the Civil War computer archives to see where their last location was logged.

What did they think it was? A fancy P.O.D. storage unit?

Thank God I read this! I was just about to sprinkle my Cream of Wheat with some rat poison.

Damn! They are good!!

Well, that's a relief! I was concerned whether or not I was still at risk of becoming another teen pregnancy statistic.

Actually, I'd like to see just how he did that.
Don't Call It a Comeback!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Can't Get Gnome Respect!
The teens – who recorded footage of the freaky being on their mobile phone – said they are now too terrified to go out at night.
Footage from last March's sighting....
Latest sighting....
I have to ask....what is everyone so freaked out about? What part of that footage makes this a 'terrorizing monster' story? Don't they know that it's just the Travelocity Gnome doing his research on the tourist spots of Argentina? Let the gnome work in peace, people!