Country: Mexico
Product Code: YMCA
Product Name: YMCA Shower Box, Mexico
Price: $17.00 (Approx. 227 pesos)
Size: 10x6cm
(2.54cm = 1 inch)
Something tells me that this one will not be the "Hot Toy of the Holiday Season", and I doubt there will be threat of trampling to death or being shot for this one of kind find. In fact, I find a few things interesting about this toy which hails from South 'o the Border....that being Mexico, mind you, and not that tourist-trap, roach haven, truck stop on interstate 95. Although, I bet they carry this there as well which would be even more convenient for anyone on the East Coast still looking for that perfect gift that no one knew they wanted. I've always had an inner cringe for any type of "communal" bathing unless the people are hot, of course, but I think what is even more curious is the way that male clay figure has that female clay figure almost pinned in the corner...trapped and left defenseless to his dark and dirty advances. OR...maybe what we see here is just a couple of swingers enjoying a afternoon delight in the community shower of YMCA? And why are the ladies nipples so hard and black? Did the shower run out of hot water again? This toy does seem to promote the imagination. All this time, I thought YMCA's were just community centers filled with latch-key kids, after-school programs, and run-down gym equipment. Who knew?
no way!
i am so going to the wrong YMCA! ours doesn't have a "family" shower, if you will... but our gym equipment is quite nice! ;)
I am totally getting both that, and a mask from that store Johnny Cakes linked.
Because, evidentally, I hate my friends.
Yes, that was a tasty little find that Mr Cakes shared with his blogging fans.
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