Monday, November 9, 2009

What Have I Been Up Too? I took some time away from my therapeutic blogging to waste time and catch up with old friends on Facebook. Seems to be a virtual high school reunion on that site...but all in all, some good times reminiscing. HOWEVER...I have missed my quirky fellow bloggers that I so enjoyed whittling the work hours away with. :) I have lots of "catch-up" reading to do too because from what I can see so far I have been missing pregnancies, more fabulous Paris life, never-ending photoshop madness, slacking on my SlackerChic fix, and the always fulfilling TastyCakes...oh how I've missed you guys!


sondra german said...

likewise! i've been wondering what in the world you've been doing...

thank you for the congrats! you've returned just in time for the good stuff. ;)

Mrs. M. said...

we have missed you too! so glad you are back!